Imagine not feeling overwhelmed by your high-conflict custody case.


Click Here to Book your Free Conference with Janie

If you're overwhelmed with your custody case, there is something I want you to know.


There is a Framework -- a step-by-step process -- that experienced custody lawyers know how to implement.


When you implement that Framework, the Legal Process becomes a TOOL that you use. . .


. . . to get results in your custody case. . . 


. . . and create a peaceful life.


RIGHT NOW, you're either using the Legal Process as a Tool to create those results . . .


. . . OR the Process is using you.

Hey friend.  I'm Janie.


In my twenty-plus years (and counting) as a divorce and custody lawyer, I’ve learned a few things about contested custody cases. . .


. . . and I've seen good people who are good parents (and, sadly, many of their expensive lawyers) get clobbered in family court for one single reason. . . 

They don't understand the framework they need to follow in order to get results.


You've got too much on the line to make that same mistake.


And you don't have to, because I'll tell you exactly what you're missing in your Custody Case Assessment Call.


The call is FREE and it's PRIVATE (just you and me).


In about twenty minutes, we will nail down a customized plan for your custody case using the same Framework that I've used in my law practice for twenty-plus years.

Click Here to Book your Free Conference

If you're ready to replace overwhelm with a solid plan, then it is time to schedule your free Custody Case Assessment with me.


I only book a few of these conferences a week, so don't wait to schedule yours.