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  Are you convinced that your Custody Case will never end?


I can fix that.


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Hey friend.


You're a smart, accomplished person.  You've done hard things.


So why isn't your custody case OVER!?


It's not you -- you're not doing anything wrong.


Family Court is near-impossible to navigate without an experienced guide.  Most of your friends who've been divorced -- and, sadly, many of their expensive lawyers -- will only tell you what not to do.


And that well-intended advice is draining the life out of you right now, leaving you to wonder what you're missing. . .


. . . and why it seems like no one is listening to you.


Most days you believe that the conflict will never end, and you find yourself saying "I just want it DONE."


And you're so afraid of making a mistake that your stomach drops every time you see a message from your ex (or his grandstanding lawyer.)

But when you do have someone in your corner. . .


Someone with over two decades of experience representing divorcing parents in contested custody cases. . .

What will happen  then?


Then, the plan comes into focus and you see the simple path forward.


Then, you know exactly how to prepare your case outside of court and present it when you're standing in front of a judge.


Then, you get a snarky message from your ex or his lawyer and you think "I've got this.  I know what to do."


Then, you know you've put yourself in command of your custody case.


And you are the perfect person to be in charge. 

 Hey friend.  I'm Janie.


I’m a practicing divorce lawyer and coach for parents with high-conflict custody cases.


In my law practice, I’ve represented hundreds of clients in family court.


Now I'm on a mission to show every divorcing parent how to take charge of her high-conflict custody case, so that she and her kids can have the peace and calm they deserve.

My Programs


Scroll down to learn more about the programs I offer.

Command your Custody Case


If you are about to file -- or are in the middle of -- a high-conflict custody case, then this program is for you.

In twelve weeks, I'll show you the same framework that I've used for twenty-plus years as a divorce and custody lawyer to get results for my one-on-one clients.


By the end of this program, you'll know exactly how to command your custody case inside and outside of the courtroom. . . even if you're dealing with an irrational ex or their grandstanding lawyer (or both!)


Click Here to Learn More and Book a Free Call